Secure Chat in Transplant

April 9, 2023

Post-Covid, experts are predicting that chat, collaboration, and conferencing technology will continue to see exponential adoption rates, even among deskless workers.

The immediate, more personal videoconferencing we use with relatives and direct messaging and chats we love with friends (including GIFs and read receipts!) will soon become the norm in the workplace. Slack, Microsoft Teams, Workplace by Facebook and Zoom are named as leaders in the future of communication (and the Slack vs. Teams rivalry continues to heat up).

Afflo’s extension Care Conferencing makes communication much more relevant for the healthcare sector, as clinical data can be referenced easily and securely. Beyond telemedicine between care teams and their patients, clinician-to-clinician collaboration will expedite decision-making and help continue to put patients first. Specialist consultation, virtual conferencing, geo-tagging with updates of organs in transit, post-organ recovery examination and findings, and post-transplant care and monitoring are just some of the ways chat and conference software can help increase efficiency and avoid email paralysis and phone tag across the transplant care system.

Ready to learn more?

Afflo has solutions that can accelerate your move to an advanced donor management, waitlist, matching, offer, and transplant program now. Get in touch with us today.
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