Keys to a successful SaaS implementation in Transplant

April 9, 2023

Practices to live by: 

  1. Build Collaboratively: involve transplant professionals including intake coordinators, nurses and surgeons at transplant centers, organ-specific physicians, and HLA and immunology experts.
  2. Re-engineer your workflow :  Properly define your business outcomes and goals, then give yourself permission to completely redesigning your transplant-specific workflows and rules. In the fast pace change of transplant, rule changes and easy integration will need to be driven by a low-code solution so options can be evaluated against each other.
  3. Scale for the Future: built to scale up to volumes and design to exceed current capacity by at least an order of 2 times. Better matches leads to more tranplant volumes and as HLA labs generate more granular data, volumes will increase quickly. A good cloud-native solution means customers reap the security, maintenance, scaling, and redundancy  at a fraction of the typical operating cost.
  4. Test... and test again: As much as we like to tell us ourselves that different policies and rules are discrete, the impact of one exclusion or rule can impact other threads and any and all scenarios need to be tested. Research on the immune system, HLA, virology, personalized medicine, and equity will only continue to accelerate in the coming years making the inter-related impact of policies.
  5. Contribute to the Larger Transplant Community: Build your program with an eye to the broader transplant community. A successful transplant solution allows professionals to contribute work collaboratively on knowledge furthering initiatives. To share information, you need two key things: APIs and easy way propose new design and test changes to allocation rules and algorithms using relevant historical data. With the cost of cloud computing and storage going down, do your part by housing and creating new test data and results for others to use.

Ready to learn more?

Afflo has solutions that can accelerate your move to an advanced donor management, waitlist, matching, offer, and transplant program now. Get in touch with us today.
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